Webster's Unabridged Dictionary

Part 12 out of 18

Max Miller.
2. One who precedes or goes in front. [Obs.]
My antecedent, or my gentleman usher.
3. pl. The earlier events of one's life; previous
principles, conduct, course, history.
J. H. Newman.
If the troops... prove worthy of their antecedents, the
victory is surely ours.
Gen. G. McClellan.
4. (Gram.) The noun to which a relative refers; as, in the
sentence =Solomon was the prince who built the temple,8
prince is the antecedent of who.
5. (Logic) (a) The first or conditional part of a
hypothetical proposition; as, If the earth is fixed, the sun
must move. (b) The first of the two propositions which
constitute an enthymeme or contracted syllogism; as, Every
man is mortal; therefore the king must die.
6. (Math.) The first of the two terms of a ratio; the first
or third of the four terms of a proportion. In the ratio a :
b, a is the antecedent, and b the consequent.
An7teOced6entOly (?), adv. Previously; before in time; at a
time preceding; as, antecedently to conversion.
An7teOces6sor (?)(?), n. [L., fr. antecedere, antecessum.
See Antecede, Ancestor.] 1. One who goes before; a
The successor seldom prosecuting his antecessor's devices.
Sir E. Sandys.
2. An ancestor; a progenitor. [Obs.]
An6teOcham7ber (?), n. [Cf. F. antichambre.] 1. A chamber or
apartment before the chief apartment and leading into it, in
which persons wait for audience; an outer chamber. See
2. A space viewed as the outer chamber or the entrance to an
interior part.
The mouth, the antechamber to the digestive canal.
Todd & Bowman.
An6teOchap7el (?), n. The outer part of the west end of a
collegiate or other chapel.
AnOte6cians (?), n. pl. See Ant?cians.
An7teOcomOmun6ion (?), n. A name given to that part of the
Anglican liturgy for the communion, which precedes the
consecration of the elements.
An7teOcur6sor (?), n. [L., fr. antecurrere to run before;
ante + currere to run.] A forerunner; a precursor. [Obs.]
An6teOdate7 (?), n. 1. Prior date; a date antecedent to
another which is the actual date.
2. Anticipation. [Obs.]
An6teOdate7 (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Antedated; p. pr. & vb.
n. Antedating.] 1. To date before the true time; to assign
to an earlier date; thus, to antedate a deed or a bond is to
give it a date anterior to the true time of its execution.
2. To precede in time.
3. To anticipate; to make before the true time.
And antedate the bliss above.
Who rather rose the day to antedate.
An7teOdiOlu6viOal (?), a. [Pref. anteO + diluvial.] Before
the flood, or Deluge, in Noah's time.
An7teOdiOlu6viOan (?), a. Of or relating to the period
before the Deluge in Noah's time; hence, antiquated; as, an
antediluvian vehicle. P n. One who lived before the Deluge.
An6teOfact7 (?), n. Something done before another act.
An6teOfix7 (?), n.; pl. E. Antefixes (?); L. Antefixa (?).
[L. ante + fixus fixed.] (Arch.) (a) An ornament fixed upon
a frieze. (b) An ornament at the eaves, concealing the ends
of the joint tiles of the roof. (c) An ornament of the
cymatium of a classic cornice, sometimes pierced for the
escape of water.
An7teOflex6ion (?), n. (Med.) A displacement forward of an
organ, esp. the uterus, in such manner that its axis is bent
upon itself.
T. G. Thomas.
Ant6 egg7 (?). One of the small white eggPshaped pup or
cocoons of the ant, often seen in or about antPhills, and
popularly supposed to be eggs.
An6teOlope (?), n. [OF. antelop, F. antilope, fro Gr. ?, ?,
Eustathius, =Hexa m.,8 p. 36, the origin of which is
unknown.] (Zol.) One of a group of ruminant quadrupeds,
intermediate between the deer and the goat. The horns are
usually annulated, or ringed. There are many species in
Africa and Asia.
The antelope and wolf both fierce and fell.
5 The common or bezoar ~ of India is Antilope bezoartica.
The chamois of the Alps, the gazelle, the addax, and the
eland are other species. See Gazelle. The pronghorn ~
(Antilocapra Americana) is found in the Rocky Mountains. See
An7teOlu6can (?), a. [L. antelucanus; ante + lux light.]
Held or being before light; P a word applied to assemblies
of Christians, in ancient times of persecution, held before
light in the morning. =Antelucan worship.8
De Quincey.
An7teOmeOrid6iOan (?), a. [L. antemeridianus; ante +
meridianus belonging to midday or noon. See Meridian.] Being
before noon; in or pertaining to the forenoon. (Abbrev. a.
Ant7eOmet6ic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + emetic.] (Med.) Tending
to check vomiting. P n. A remedy to check or allay vomiting.
An7teOmoOsa6ic (?), a. Being before the time of Moses.
An7teOmun6dane (?), a. Being or occurring before the
creation of the world.
An7teOmu6ral (?), n. [L. antemurale: ante + murus wall. See
Mural.] An outwork of a strong, high wall, with turrets, in
front gateway (as of an old castle), for defending the
An7teOna6tal (?), a. Before birth.
An7teOni6cene (?), a. [L.] Of or in the Christian church or
era, anterior to the first council of Nice, held a. d. 325;
as, antenicene faith.
AnOten6na (?), n.; pl. Antenn (?). [L. antenna sailPyard;
NL., a feeler, horn of an insect.] (Zol.) A movable,
articulated organ of sensation, attached to the heads of
insects and Crustacea. There are two in the former, and
usually four in the latter. They are used as organs of
touch, and in some species of Crustacea the cavity of the
ear is situated near the basal joint. In insects, they are
popularly called horns, and also feelers. The term in also
applied to similar organs on the heads of other arthropods
and of annelids.
AnOten6nal (?), a. (Zol.) Belonging to the antenn.
An7tenOnif6erOous (?), a. [Antenna + Oferous.] (Zol.)
Bearing or having antenn.
AnOten6niOform (?), a. [Antenna + Oform.] Shaped like
AnOten6nule (?), n. [Dim. of antenna.] (Zol.) A small
antenna; P applied to the smaller pair of antenn or feelers
of Crustacea.
An7teOnum6ber (?), n. A number that precedes another. [R.]
An7teOnup6tial (?), a. Preceding marriage; as, an
antenuptial agreement.
An7teOor6bitOal (?), a. & n. (Anat.) Same as Antorbital.
An7teOpas6chal (?), a. Pertaining to the time before the
Passover, or before Easter.
An6teOpast (?), n. [Pref. anteO + L. pastus pasture, food.
Cf. Repast.] A foretaste.
Antepasts of joy and comforts.
Jer. Taylor.
X An7teOpen6diOum (?), n. [LL., fr. L. ante + pendere to
hang.] (Eccl.) The hangings or screen in front of the altar;
an altar cloth; the frontal.
An7teOpe6nult (?), X An7teOpeOnult6iOma (?), } n. [L.
antepaenultima (sc. syllaba) antepenultimate; ante before +
paenultimus the last but one; paene almost + ultimus last.]
(Pros.) The last syllable of a word except two, as Osyl in
An7teOpeOnult6iOmate (?), a. Of or pertaining to the last
syllable but two. P n. The antepenult.
Ant7ephOiOal6tic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? nightmare.]
(Med.) Good against nightmare. P n. A remedy nightmare.
Ant7epOiOlep6tic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + epileptic.] (Med.)
Good against epilepsy. P n. A medicine for epilepsy.
An6teOpone (?), v. t. [L. anteponere.] To put before; to
prefer. [Obs.]
An6teOport (?), n. [Cf. LL. anteporta.] An outer port, gate,
or door.
An7teOpor6tiOco (?), n. An outer porch or vestibule.
An7teOpoOsi6tion (?), n. [Cf. LL. antepositio. See
Position.] (Gram.) The placing of a before another, which,
by ordinary rules, ought to follow it.
An7teOpran6diOal (?), a. Preceding dinner.
An7teOpreOdic6aOment (?), n. (Logic) A prerequisite to a
clear understanding of the predicaments and categories, such
as definitions of common terms.
AnOte6riOor (?), a. [L. anterior, comp. of ante before.] 1.
Before in time; antecedent.
Antigonus, who was anterior to Polybius.
Sir G. C. Lewis.
2. Before, or toward the front, in place; as, the anterior
part of the mouth; P opposed to posterior.
5 In comparative anatomy, anterior often signifies at or
toward the head, cephalic; and in human anatomy it is often
used for ventral.
Syn. - Antecedent; previous; precedent; preceding; former;
AnOte7riOor6iOty (?), n. [LL. anterioritas.] The state of
being anterior or preceding in time or in situation;
AnOter6riOorOly (?), adv. In an anterior manner; before.
An6teOroom (?), n. A room before, or forming an entrance to,
another; a waiting room.
An6teOroP (?). A combining form meaning anterior, front; as,
anteroPposterior, front and back; anteroPlateral, front
side, anterior and at the side.
An6tes (?), n. pl. Ant. See Anta.
An7teOstat6ure (?), n. (Fort.) A small intrenchment or work
of palisades, or of sacks of earth.
An6teOstom7ach (?), n. A cavity which leads into the
stomach, as in birds.
An6teOtem7ple (?), n. The portico, or narthex in an ancient
temple or church.
An7teOver6sion (?), n. [Pref. anteO + L. vertere, versum, to
turn.] (Med.) A displacement of an organ, esp. of the
uterus, in such manner that its whole axis is directed
further forward than usual.
An7teOvert6 (?), v. t. [L. antevertere; ante + vertere to
turn.] 1. To prevent. [Obs.]
Bp. Hall.
2. (Med.) To displace by anteversion.
AntOhel6ion (?; 277, 106), n.; pl. Anthelia (?). [Pref. anti
+ Gr. ? sun.] (Meteor.) A halo opposite the sun, consisting
of a colored ring or rings around the shadow of the
spectator's own head, as projected on a cloud or on an
opposite fog bank.

<-- p. 63 -->

Ant6heOlix (?), n. (Anat.) Same as Antihelix.
An6thelOmin6tic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ?, ?, worm, esp.
a tapeworm, or mawworm..] (Med.) Good against intestinal
worms. P n. An anthelmintic remedy. [Written also
An6them (?), n. [OE. antym, antefne, AS. antefen, fr. LL.
antiphona, fr. Gr. ?, neut. pl. of ? antiphon, or anthem, n.
neut., from ? sounding contrary, returning a sound; ? over
against + ? sound, voice: the anthem being sung by the
choristers alternately, one halfPchoir answering the other:
cf. OF. anthaine, anteine, antieune, F. antienne. See
Antiphon.] 1. Formerly, a hymn sung in alternate parts, in
present usage, a selection from the Psalms, or other parts
of the Scriptures or the liturgy, set to sacred music.
2. A song or hymn of praise.
An6them, v. t. To celebrate with anthems. [Poet.]
Sweet birds antheming the morn.
X AnOthe6miOon (?), [NL., fr. Gr. ? flower.] A floral
ornament. See Palmette.
X An6theOmis (?), n. [Gr. ?, equiv. to ? flower; an herb
like our chamomile.] (Bot.) Chamomile; a genus of composite,
herbaceous plants.
An6themOwise7 (?), adv. Alternately. [Obs.]
An6ther (?), n. [F. anth
re, L. anthera a medicine composed
of flowers, fr. Gr. ? flowery, fr. ? to bloom, ? flower.]
(Bot.) That part of the stamen containing the pollen, or
fertilizing dust, which, when mature, is emitted for the
impregnation of the ovary. P An6therOal (?), a.
X An7therOid6iOum (?), n.; pl. Antheridia (?). [Anther + ?
(a Gr. diminutive ending).] (Bot.) The male reproductive
apparatus in the lower, consisting of a cell or other cavity
in which spermatozoids are produced; P called also spermary.
P An7therOid6iOal (?), a.
An7therOif6erOous (?), a. [Anther + Oferous.] (Bot.) (a)
Producing anthers, as plants. (b) Supporting anthers, as a
part of a flower.
AnOther6iOform (?), a. [Anther + Oform.] Shaped like an
anther; antherPshaped.
An7therOog6eOnous (?), a. [Anther + Ogenous.] (Bot.)
Transformed from anthers, as the petals of a double flower.
An6therOoid (?), a. [Anther + Ooid.] Resembling an anther.
An7therOoOzoid (?), An7therOoOzoo6id (?), } n. [Gr. ?
flowery + ? animal + Ooid. See Zooid.] (Bot.) One of the
mobile male reproductive bodies in the antheridia of
X AnOthe6sis (?), n. [Gr. ? bloom, fr. ? to bloom, ?
flower.] (Bot.) The period or state of full expansion in a
Ant6Phill (?), n. (Zol.) A mound thrown up by ants or by
termites in forming their nests.
AnOtho6biOan (?), n. [Gr. ? flower + ? life.] (Zol.) A
beetle which feeds on flowers.
X An7thoObran6chiOa (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? flower + ?
gills, n. pl.] (Zol.) A division of nudibranchiate
Mollusca, in which the gills form a wreath or cluster upon
the posterior part of the back. See Nudibranchiata, and
An7thoOcar6pous (?), a. [Gr. ? flower + ? fruit.] (Bot.)
Having some portion of the floral envelopes attached to the
pericarp to form the fruit, as in the checkerberry, the
mulberry, and the pineapple.
An7thoOcy6aOnin (?), n. Same as Anthokyan.
X AnOtho6diOum (?), n. [NL., from Gr. ? like flowers,
flowery; ? flower + ? form.] (Bot.) The inflorescence of a
compound flower in which many florets are gathered into a
involucrate head.
AnOtho6raOphy (?), n. [Gr. ? flower + Ography.] A
description of flowers.
An6thoid (?), a. [Gr. ? flower + Ooid.] Resembling a flower;
An7thoOky6an (?), n. [Gr. ? flower + ? blue.] (Chem.) The
blue coloring matter of certain flowers. Same as Cyanin.
An6thoOlite (?), n. [Gr. ? flower + Olite.] (Paleon.) A
fossil plant, like a petrified flower.
An7thoOlog6icOal (?), a. Pertaining to anthology; consisting
of beautiful extracts from different authors, especially the
He published a geographical and anthological description of
all empires and kingdoms... in this terrestrial globe.
AnOthol6oOgist (?), n. One who compiles an anthology.
AnOthol6oOgy (?), n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? flower gathering; ?
flower + ? to gather.] 1. A discourses on flowers. [R.]
2. A collection of flowers; a garland. [R.]
3. A collection of flowers of literature, that is, beautiful
passages from authors; a collection of poems or epigrams; P
particularly applied to a collection of ancient Greek
4. (Gr. Ch.) A service book containing a selection of pieces
for the festival services.
An7thoOma6niOa (?), n. [Gr. ? flower ? madness.] A
extravagant fondness for flowers. [R.]
An6thoOny's Fire7 (?). See Saint Anthony's Fire, under
AnOthoph6aOgous (?), a. [Gr. ? flower + ? to eat.] (Zol.)
Eating flowers; P said of certain insects.
An6thoOphore (?), n. [Gr. ? bearing flowers; ? flower + ?
bearing, ? to bear.] (Bot.) The stipe when developed into an
internode between calyx and corolla, as in the Pink family.
AnOtoph6oOrous (?), a. Flower bearing; supporting the
AnOthoph6ylOlite (?), n. [NL. anthophyllum clove.] A mineral
of the hornblende group, of a yellowish gray or clove brown
color. P An7thoOphylOlit6ic (?), a.
An6thoOrism (?), n. [Gr. ?; ? + ? to bound, define.] (Rhet.)
A description or definition contrary to that which is given
by the adverse party. [R.]
An6thoOtax7y (?), n. [Gr. ? flower + ? order.] (Bot.) The
arrangement of flowers in a cluster; the science of the
relative position of flowers; inflorescence.
X An7thoOzo6a (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? flower + ?
animal.] (Zol.) The class of the C?lenterata which includes
the corals and sea anemones. The three principal groups or
orders are Acyonaria, Actinaria, and Madreporaria.
An7thoOzo6an (?), a. (Zol.) Pertaining to the Anthozoa. P
n. One of the Anthozoa.
An6thoOzo6ic (?), a. Of or pertaining to the Anthozoa.
An6thraOcene (?), n. [Gr. ? coal.] (Chem.) A solid
hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2H2.C6H4, which accompanies naphthalene
in the last stages of the distillation of coal tar. Its
chief use is in the artificial production of alizarin.
[Written also anthracin.]
AnOthrac6ic (?), a. Of or relating to anthrax; as, anthracic
An7thraOcif6erOous (?), a. [Gr. ? coal + Oferous.] (Min.)
Yielding anthracite; as, anthraciferous strata.
An6thraOcite (?), n. [L. anthracites a kind of bloodstone;
fr. Gr. ? like coals, fr. ?, ?, coal or charcoal. Cf.
Anthrax.] A hard, compact variety of mineral coal, of high
luster, differing from bituminous coal in containing little
or no bitumen, in consequence of which it burns with a
nearly non luminous flame. The purer specimens consist
almost wholly of carbon. Also called glance coal and blind
An6thraOcit6ic (?), a. Of, pertaining to, or like,
anthracite; as, anthracitic formations.
An6thraOcoid (?), a. [Anthrax + Ooid.] (Biol.) Resembling
anthrax in action; of the nature of anthrax; as, an
anthracoid microbe.
An6thraOcoOman7cy (?), n. [Gr. ?, ?, coal + Omancy.]
Divination by inspecting a burning coal.
An7thraOcom6eOter (?), n. [Gr. ? coal, carbon + Ometer.] An
instrument for measuring the amount of carbonic acid in a
An7thraOcoOmet6ric (?), a. Of or pertaining to an
AnOthra6oOnite (?), n. [See Anthracite.] (Min.) A coalPblack
marble, usually emitting a fetid smell when rubbed; P called
also stinkstone and swinestone.
An7thraOqui6none (?), n. [Anthracene + quinone.] (Chem.) A
hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2O2.C6H4, subliming in shining yellow
needless. It is obtained by oxidation of anthracene.
An6thrax (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ? coal, carbuncle.] 1. (Med.)
(a) A carbuncle. (b) A malignant pustule.
2. (Biol.) A microscopic, bacterial organism (Bacillus
anthracis), resembling transparent rods. [See Illust. under
3. An infectious disease of cattle and sheep. It is ascribed
to the presence of a rodPshaped bacterium (Bacillus
anthracis), the spores of which constitute the contagious
matter. It may be transmitted to man by inoculation. The
spleen becomes greatly enlarged and filled with bacteria.
Called also splenic fever.
X AnOthre6nus (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? a hornet.] (Zol.) A
genus of small beetles, several of which, in the larval
state, are very destructive to woolen goods, fur, etc. The
common =museum pest8 is A. varius; the carpet beetle is A.
scrophulari. The larv are commonly confounded with moths.
AnOthrop6ic (?), AnOthrop6icOal (?), } a. [Gr. ?, fr. ?
man.] (Zol.) Like or related to man; human. [R.]
X AnOthrop6Od (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? man.] (Zol.) The
group that includes man only.
An7throOpoOcen6tric (?), a. [Gr. ? man + ? center.] Assuming
man as the center or ultimate end; P applied to theories of
the universe or of any part of it, as the solar system.
An7throOpoOgen6ic (?), a. Of or pertaining to anthropogeny.
An7throOpog6eOny (?), n. [Gr. ? man + ? birth.] The science
or study of human generation, or the origin and development
of man.
AnOthrop6oOglot (?), n. [Gr. ?; ? man + ?, ?, tongue.]
(Zol.) An animal which has a tongue resembling that of man,
as the parrot.
An7throOpog6raOphy (?), n. [Gr. ? man + Ography.] That
branch of anthropology which treats of the actual
distribution of the human race in its different divisions,
as distinguished by physical character, language,
institutions, and customs, in contradistinction to
ethnography, which treats historically of the origin and
filiation of races and nations.
P. Cyc.
An6throOpoid (?), a. [Gr. ? man + Ooid.] Resembling man; P
applied especially to certain apes, as the ourang or
gorilla. P n. An ~ ape.
An7throOpoid6al (?), a. Anthropoid.
X An7throOpoid6eOa (?), n. pl. [NL. See Anthropoid.] (Zol.)
The suborder of primates which includes the monkeys, apes,
and man.
An7throOpol6aOtry (?), n. [Gr. ? man + ? worship.] Man
AnOthrop6oOlite (?), n. [Gr. ? man + Olite.] (Paleon.) A
petrifaction of the human body, or of any portion of it.
An7throOpoOlog6ic (?), An7throOpoOlog6icOal (?), } a.
Pertaining to anthropology; belonging to the nature of man.
=Anthropologic wisdom.8 Kingsley. P An7throOpoOlog6icOalOly,
An7throOpol6oOgist (?), n. One who is versed in
An7throOpol6oOgy (?), n. [Gr. ? man + Ology.] 1. The science
of the structure and functions of the human body.
2. The science of man; P sometimes used in a limited sense
to mean the study of man as an object of natural history, or
as an animal.
3. That manner of expression by which the inspired writers
attribute human parts and passions to God.
An6throOpoOman7cy (?), n. [Gr. ? man + Omancy.] Divination
by the entrails of human being.
An7throOpoOmet6ric (?), An7throOpoOmet6ricOal (?), } a.
Pertaining to anthropometry.
An7throOpom6eOtry (?), n. [Gr. ? man + Omercy.] Measurement
of the height and other dimensions of human beings,
especially at different ages, or in different races,
occupations, etc.
X An7throOpoOmor6pha (?), n. pl. [NL. See Anthropomorphism.]
(Zol.) The manlike, or anthropoid, apes.
An7throOpoOmor6phic (?), a. Of or pertaining to
anthromorphism. Hadley. P An7throOpoOmor6phicOalOly (?),
An7throOpoOmor6phism (?), n. [Gr. ? of human form; ? man + ?
form.] 1. The representation of the Deity, or of a
polytheistic deity, under a human form, or with human
attributes and affections.
2. The ascription of human characteristics to things not
An7throOpoOmor6phist (?), n. One who attributes the human
form or other human attributes to the Deity or to anything
not human.
An7throOpoOmor6phite (?), n. One who ascribes a human form
or human attributes to the Deity or to a polytheistic deity.
Taylor. Specifically, one of a sect of ancient heretics who
believed that God has a human form, etc. Tillotson.
An7throOpoOmorOphit6ic (?), a. (Biol.) to anthropomorphism.
An7throOpoOmor6phiOtism (?), n. Anthropomorphism.
An7throOpoOmor6phize (?), v. t. & i. To attribute a human
form or personality to.
You may see imaginative children every day
An7throOpoOmorOphol6oOgy (?), n. [Gr. ? + Ology. See
Anthropomorphism.] The application to God of terms
descriptive of human beings.
An7throOpoOmor6phoOsis (?), n. Transformation into the form
of a human being.
An7throOpoOmor6phous (?), a.Having the figure of, or
resemblance to, a man; as, an anthromorphous plant.
=Anthromorphous apes.8
An7throOpoOpath6ic (?), An7throOpoOpath6icOal (?), } a. Of
or pertaining to anthropopathy. [R.] P
An7throOpoOpath6icOalOly, adv.
The daring anthropopathic imagery by which the prophets
often represent God as chiding, upbraiding, threatening.
H. Rogers.
An7throOpop6aOthism (?), An7throOpop6aOthy (?), } n. [Gr. ?;
? man + ? suffering, affection, passion, ?, ?, to suffer.]
The ascription of human feelings or passions to God, or to a
polytheistic deity.
In its recoil from the gross anthropopathy of the vulgar
notions, it falls into the vacuum of absolute apathy.
X An7throOpoph6aOgi (?), n. pl. [L., fr. Gr. ? eating men; ?
man + + ? to eat.] Man eaters; cannibals.
An7throOpoOphag6ic (?), An7throOpoOphag6icOal (?), } a.
Relating to cannibalism or anthropophagy.
An7throOpoph7aOgin6iOan (?), n. One who east human flesh.
An7throOpoph6aOgite (?), n. A cannibal.
W. Taylor.
An7throOpoph6aOgous (?), a. Feeding on human flesh;
An7throOpoph6aOgy (?)(?), n. [Gr. ?.] The eating of human
flesh; cannibalism.

<-- p. 64 -->

An6throOpoph6uOism (?), n. [Gr. ? of man's nature; ? a man +
? nature.] Human nature. [R.]
An7throOpos6coOpy (?), n. [Gr. ? man + Oscopy.] The art of
discovering or judging of a man's character, passions. and
inclinations from a study of his visible features. [R.]
An7throOpos6oOphy (?), n. [Gr. ? man + ? wisdom, knowledge.]
Knowledge of the nature of man; hence, human wisdom.
An7throOpoOtom6icOal (?), a. Pertaining to anthropotomy, or
the dissection of human bodies.
An7throOpot6oOmist (?), n. One who is versed in
anthropotomy, or human anatomy.
An7throOpot6oOmy (?), n. [Gr. ? man + ? a cutting.] The
anatomy or dissection of the human body; androtomy.
Ant7hypOnot6ic (?). See Antihypnotic.
Ant7hypOoOchon6driOac (?), a. & n. See Antihypochondriac.
Ant7hysOter6ic (?), a. & n. See Antihysteric.
An6ti (?). [Gr. ? against. See Ante.] A prefix meaning
against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of; P
used in composition in many English words. It is often
shortened to antO; as, antacid, antarctic.
X An6tiO (?), n. pl. [L., forelock.] (Zol.) The two
projecting feathered angles of the forehead of some birds;
the frontal points.
An7tiOalObu6mid (?), n. [Pref. antiO + Oalbumin.] (Physiol.
Chem.) A body formed from albumin by pancreatic and gastric
digestion. It is convertible into antipeptone.
An7tiOal6buOmose7 (?), n. (Physiol.) See Albumose.
An7tiPAOmer6iOcan (?), a. Opposed to the Americans, their
aims, or interests, or to the genius of American
An7tiOaph7roOdis6iOac (?), a. & n. Same as Antaphrodisiac.
An7tiOap7oOplec6tic (?), a. & n. (Med.) Same as
An6tiOar (?), n. [Jav. antjar.] A Virulent poison prepared
in Java from the gum resin of one species of the upas tree
(Antiaris toxicaria).
An7tiOaOrin (?), n. (Chem.) A poisonous principle obtained
from antiar.
An7tiOasthOmat6ic (?), a. & n. Same as Antasthmatic.
An7tiOatOtri6tion (?), n. Anything to prevent the effects of
friction, esp. a compound lubricant for machinery, etc.,
often consisting of plumbago, with some greasy material;
antifriction grease.
X An7tiObacOchi6us (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ? + ?. See
Bacchius.] (Pros.) A foot of three syllables, the first two
long, and the last short (?).
An7tiObil6lous (?), a. Counteractive of bilious complaints;
tending to relieve biliousness.
An7tiObranch6iOal (?), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the
antibrachium, or forearm.
X An7tiObrach6iOum (?), n. [NL.] (Anat.) That part of the
fore limb between the brachium and the carpus; the forearm.
An7tiObro6mic (?), n. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? a stink.] An
agent that destroys offensive smells; a deodorizer.
An7tiOburgh6er (?), n. (Eccl. Hist.) One who seceded from
the Burghers (1747), deeming it improper to take the Burgess
An6tic (?), a. [The same word as antique; cf. It. antico
ancient. See Antique.] 1. Old; antique. (Zol.) =Lords of
antic fame.8
2. Odd; fantastic; fanciful; grotesque; ludicrous.
The antic postures of a merryPandrew.
The Saxons... worshiped many idols, barbarous in name, some
monstrous, all antic for shape.
An6tic, n. 1. A buffoon or merryOandrew; one that practices
odd gesticulations; the Fool of the old play.
2. An odd imagery, device, or tracery; a fantastic figure.
Woven with antics and wild imagery.
3. A grotesque trick; a piece of buffoonery; a caper.
And fraught with antics as the Indian bird
That writhes and chatters in her wiry cage.
4. (Arch.) A grotesque representation. [Obs.]
5. An antimask. [Obs. or R.]
Performed by knights and ladies of his court
In nature of an antic.
An6tic, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Anticked (?), Antickt.] To make
appear like a buffoon. [Obs.]
An6tic, v. i. To perform antics.
An7tiOcaOtarrh7al (?), a. (Med.) Efficacious against
catarrh. P n. An anticatarrhal remedy.
An7tiOcath6ode (?), n. (Phys.) The part of a vacuum tube
opposite the cathode. Upon it the cathode rays impinge.
An7tiOcauOsod6ic (?), a. & n. (Med.) Same as Anticausotic.
An7tiOcauOsot6ic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? fever, ? to
burn.] (Med.) Good against an inflammatory fever. P n. A
remedy for such a fever.
An6tiOcham7ber, n. [Obs.] See Antechamber.
An6tiOchlor (?), n. [Pref. antiO + chlorine.] (Chem.) Any
substance (but especially sodium hyposulphite) used in
removing the excess of chlorine left in paper pulp or stuffs
after bleaching.
An6tiOchrist (?), n. [L. Antichristus, Gr. ?; ? against +
?.] A denier or opponent of Christ. Specif.: A great
antagonist, person or power, expected to precede Christ's
second coming.
An7tiOchris6tian (?; 106), a. Opposed to the Christian
An7tiOchris6tianOism (?), An7tiOchrisOtian6iOty (?), } n.
Opposition or contrariety to the Christian religion.
An7tiOchris6tianOly (?), adv. In an antichristian manner.
An7tiOchron6icOal (?), a. Deviating from the proper order of
time. P An7tiOchron6icOalOly, adv.
AnOtich6roOnism (?), n. [Gr. ?; ? against + ? time.]
Deviation from the true order of time; anachronism. [R.]
X AnOtich6thon (?), n.; pl. Antichthones (?). [Gr. ?; ?
against + ? the earth.] 1. A hypothetical earth counter to
ours, or on the opposite side of the sun.
2. pl. Inhabitants of opposite hemispheres.
AnOtic6iOpant (?), a. [L. anticipans, p. pr. of anticipare.]
Anticipating; expectant; P with of.
Wakening guilt, anticipant of hell.
AnOtic6iOpate (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Anticipated (?); p.
pr. & vb. n. Anticipating (?).] [L. anticipatus, p. p. of
anticipare to anticipate; ante + capere to make. See
Capable.] 1. To be before in doing; to do or take before
another; to preclude or prevent by prior action.
To anticipate and prevent the duke's purpose.
R. Hall.
He would probably have died by the hand of the executioner,
if indeed the executioner had not been anticipated by the
2. To take up or introduce beforehand, or before the proper
or normal time; to cause to occur earlier or prematurely;
as, the advocate has anticipated a part of his argument.
3. To foresee (a wish, command, etc.) and do beforehand that
which will be desired.
4. To foretaste or foresee; to have a previous view or
impression of; as, to anticipate the pleasures of a visit;
to anticipate the evils of life.
Syn. - To prevent; obviate; preclude; forestall; expect. P
To Anticipate, Expect. These words, as here compared, agree
in regarding some future event as about to take place.
Expect is the stringer. It supposes some ground or reason in
the mind for considering the event as likely to happen.
Anticipate is, literally, to take beforehand, and here
denotes simply to take into the mind as conception of the
future. Hence, to say, =I did not anticipate a refusal,8
expresses something less definite and strong than to say, =
did not expect it.8 Still, anticipate is a convenient word
to be interchanged with expect in cases where the thought
will allow.
Good with bad
Expect to hear; supernal grace contending
With sinfulness of men.
I would not anticipate the relish of any happiness, nor feel
the weight of any misery, before it actually arrives.
Timid men were anticipating another civil war.
AnOtic7iOpa6tion (?), n. [L. anticipatio: cf. F.
anticipation.] 1. The act of anticipating, taking up,
placing, or considering something beforehand, or before the
proper time in natural order.
So shall my anticipation prevent your discovery.
2. Previous view or impression of what is to happen;
instinctive prevision; foretaste; antepast; as, the
anticipation of the joys of heaven.
The happy anticipation of renewed existence in company with
the spirits of the just.
3. Hasty notion; intuitive preconception.
Many men give themselves up to the first anticipations of
their minds.
4. (Mus.) The commencing of one or more tones of a chord
with or during the chord preceding, forming a momentary
Syn. - Preoccupation; preclusion; foretaste; prelibation;
antepast; pregustation; preconception; expectation;
foresight; forethought.
AnOtic6iOpaOtive (?), a. Anticipating, or containing
anticipation. =Anticipative of the feast to come.8 Cary. P
AnOtic6iOpaOtiveOly, adv.
AnOtic6iOpa7tor (?), n. One who anticipates.
AnOtic6iOpaOtoOry (?), a. Forecasting; of the nature of
Here is an anticipatory glance of what was to be.
J. C. Shairp.
An7tiOciv6ic (?), n. Opposed to citizenship.
An7tiOciv6ism (?), n. Opposition to the body politic of
citizens. [Obs.]
An7tiOclas6tic (?), a. [Pref. antiO = Gr. ? to break.]
Having to opposite curvatures, that is, curved
longitudinally in one direction and transversely in the
opposite direction, as the surface of a saddle.
An7tiOcli6max (?), n. (Rhet.) A sentence in which the ideas
fall, or become less important and striking, at the close; P
the opposite of climax. It produces a ridiculous effect.
Next comes Dalhousie, the great god of war,
LieutenantOcolonel to the Earl ?? Mar.
An7tiOcli6nal (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? to incline.]
Inclining or dipping in opposite directions. See Synclinal.
w line, w axis (Geol.), a line from which strata dip in
opposite directions, as from the ridge of a roof. P w
vertebra (Anat.), one of the dorsal vertebr, which in many
animals has an upright spine toward which the spines of the
neighboring vertebr are inclined.
An7tiOcli6nal, n. (Geol.) The crest or line in which strata
slope or dip in opposite directions.
X An7tiOcliOno6riOum (?), n.; pl. Anticlinoria (?). [NL.,
fr. Gr. ? against + ? to incline + ? mountain.]] (Geol.) The
upward elevation of the crust of the earth, resulting from a
An6ticOly (?), adv. Oddly; grotesquely.
An6ticPmask7 (?), n. An antimask.
B. Jonson.
An6ticOness, n. The quality of being antic.
An7tiOcon7stiOtu6tionOal (?), a. Opposed to the
constitution; unconstitutional.
An7tiOconOta6gious (?), a. (Med.) Opposing or destroying
An7tiOconOvul6sive (?), a. (Med.) Good against convulsions.
J. Floyer.
An6tiOcor (?), n. [Pref. antiO + L. cor heart; cf. F.
antic?ur.] (Far.) A dangerous inflammatory swelling of a
horse's breast, just opposite the heart.
AnOti6cous (?), a. [L. anticus in front, foremost, fr. ante
before.] (Bot.) Facing toward the axis of the flower, as in
the introrse anthers of the water lily.
An6tiOcy7clone (?), n. (Meteorol.) A movement of the
atmosphere opposite in character, as regards direction of
the wind and distribution of barometric pressure, to that of
a cyclone. P An7tiOcyOclon6ic (?), a. P
An7tiOcyOclon6icOalOly (?), adv.
An6tiOdo7tal (?)(?) a. Having the quality an antidote;
fitted to counteract the effects of poison. Sir T. Browne. P
An6tiOdo7talOly, adv.
An6tiOdo7taOry (?), a. Antidotal. P n. Antidote; also, a
book of antidotes.
An6tiOdote (?), n. [L. antidotum, Gr. ? (sc. ?), fr. ? given
against; ? against + ? to give: cf. F. antidote. See Dose,
n.] 1. A remedy to counteract the effects of poison, or of
anything noxious taken into the stomach; P used with
against, for, or to; as, an antidote against, for, or to,
2. Whatever tends to prevent mischievous effects, or to
counteract evil which something else might produce.
An6tiOdote, v. t. 1. To counteract or prevent the effects
of, by giving or taking an antidote.
Nor could Alexander himself... antidote... the poisonous
draught, when it had once got into his veins.
2. To fortify or preserve by an antidote.
An7tiOdot6icOal (?), a. Serving as an antidote. P
An7tiOdot6icOalOly, adv.
AnOtid6roOmous (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? a running.]
(Bot.) Changing the direction in the spiral sequence of
leaves on a stem.
An7tiOdys7enOter6ic (?), a. (Med.) Good against dysentery. P
n. A medicine for dysentery.
An7tiOeOmet6ic (?), a. ? n. (Med.) Same as Antemetic.
An7tiOeph7iOal6tic (?), a. & n. (Med.) Same as Antephialtic.
An7tiOep7iOlep6tic (?), a. & n. (Med.) Same as Antepileptic.
An7tiOfe6brile (?), a. & n. (Med.) Febrifuge.
An7tiOfeb6rine (?), n. (Med.) Acetanilide.
An7tiPfed6erOalOist (?), n. One of party opposed to a
federative government; P applied particularly to the party
which opposed the adoption of the constitution of the United
An7tiOfric6tion (?), n. Something to lesse? friction;
antiattrition. P a. Tending to lessen friction.
An7tiOgaOlas6tic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ?, ?, milk.]
Causing a diminution or a suppression of the secretion of
An7tiOGal6liOcan (?), a. Opposed to what is Gallic or
An6tiOgraph (?), n. [Gr. ? a transcribing: cf. F.
antigraphe.] A copy or transcript.
An7tiOgug6gler (?)(?) n. [Pref. antiO + guggle or gurgle.] A
crooked tube of metal, to be introduced into the neck of a
bottle for drawing out the liquid without disturbing the
sediment or causing a gurgling noise.
An7tiOhe6lix (?), n. (Anat.) The curved elevation of the
cartilage of the ear, within or in front o? the helix. See
An7tiOhem7orOrhag6ic (?), a. (Med.) Tending to stop
hemorrhage. P n. A remedy hemorrhage.
An7tiOhy7droOphob6ic (?), a. (Med.) Counteracting or
preventing hydrophobia. P n. A remedy for hydrophobia.
An7tiOhyOdrop6ic (?), a. (Med.) Good against dropsy. P n. A
remedy for dropsy.
An7tiOhypOnot6ic (?), a. (Med.) Tending to prevent sleep. P
n. An antihypnotic agent.
An7tiOhyp7oOchon6driOac (?), a. (Med.) Counteractive of
hypochondria. P n. A remedy for hypochondria.
An7tiOhysOter6ic (?), a. (Med.) Counteracting hysteria. P n.
A remedy for hysteria.
An7tiOicOter6ic (?), a. (Med.) Good against jaundice. P n. A
remedy for jaundice.
X An7tiOleOgom6eOna (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? against + ?
to speak; part. pass. ?.] (Eccl.) Certain books of the New
Testament which were for a time not universally received,
but which are now considered canonical. These are the
Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistles of James and Jude, the
second Epistle of Peter, the second and third Epistles of
John, and the Revelation. The undisputed books are called
the Homologoumena.
An7tiOliObra6tion (?), n. A balancing; equipoise. [R.]
De Quincey.

An7tiOlith6ic (?), a. (Med.) Tending to prevent the
formation of urinary calculi, or to destroy them when
formed. P n. An antilithic medicine.
An7tiOlog6aOrithm (?), n. (Math.) The number corresponding
to a logarithm. The word has been sometimes, though rarely,
used to denote the complement of a given logarithm; also the
logarithmic cosine corresponding to a given logarithmic
sine. P An7tiOlog7aOrith6mic (?), a.
AnOtil6oOgous (?), a. Of the contrary name or character; P
opposed to analogous.
w pole (Eccl.), that pole of a crystal which becomes
negatively electrified when heated.
AnOtil6oOgy (?), n.; pl. Antilogies (?). [Gr. ?, fr. ?
contradictory; ? against + ? to speak.] A contradiction
between any words or passages in an author.
Sir W. Hamilton.

<-- p. 65 -->

An7tiOloi6mic (?), n. (Med.) A remedy against the plague.
Brande & C.
AnOtil6oOpine (?), a. Of or relating to the antelope.
AnOtil6oOquist (?), n. A contradicter. [Obs.]
AnOtil6oOquy (?), n. [Pref. antiO + L. loqui to speak.]
Contradiction. [Obs.]
An7tiOlys6sic (?), a. & n. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? rage,
madness.] (Med.) Antihydrophobic.
An7tiOmaOcas6sar (?), n. A cover for the back or arms of a
chair or sofa, etc., to prevent them from being soiled by
macassar or other oil from the hair.
An7tiOmaOgis6tricOal (?), a. [Pref. antiO + magistrical for
magistratical.] Opposed to the office or authority of
magistrates. [Obs.]
An7tiOmaOla6riOal (?), a. Good against malaria.
An6tiOmask7 (?), n. A secondary mask, or grotesque
interlude, between the parts of a serious mask. [Written
also antimasque.]
An7tiOma6son (?), n. One opposed to Freemasonry. P
An7tiOmaOson6ic (?), a.
An7tiOma6sonOry (?), n. Opposition to Freemasonry.
An7tiOmeOphit6ic (?), a. (Med.) Good against mephitic or
deleterious gases. P n. A remedy against mephitic gases.
An6tiOmere (?), n. [Pref. antiO + Omere.] (Biol.) One of the
two halves of bilaterally symmetrical animals; one of any
opposite symmetrical or homotypic parts in animals and
X An7tiOmeOtab6oOle (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ?.] (Rhet.) A
figure in which the same words or ideas are repeated in
transposed order.
X An7tiOmeOtath6eOsis (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?.] (Rhet.) An
antithesis in which the members are repeated in inverse
AnOtim6eOter (?), n. [Gr. ? like + ? measure.] A
modification of the quadrant, for measuring small angles.
An7tiOmoOnar6chic (?), An7tiOmoOnar6chicOal (?), } Opposed
to monarchial government.
Bp. Benson. Addison.
An7tiOmon6archOist (?), n. An enemy to monarchial
An7tiOmo6nate (?), n.(Chem.) A compound of antimonic acid
with a base or basic radical. [Written also antimoniate.]
An7tiOmo6niOal (?), a. Of or pertaining to antimony. P n.
(Med.) A preparation or medicine containing antimony.
w powder, a consisting of one part oxide of antimony and two
parts phosphate of calcium; P also called James's powder.
An7tiOmo6niOa7ted (?), a. Combined or prepared with
antimony; as, antimoniated tartar.
An7tiOmon6ic (?), a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from,
antimony; P said of those compounds of antimony in which
this element has its highest equivalence; as, antimonic
An7tiOmo6niOous (?), a. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived
from, antimony; P said of those compounds of antimony in
which this element has an equivalence next lower than the
highest; as, antimonious acid.
An6tiOmoOnite7 (?), n. 1. (Chem.) A compound of antimonious
acid and a base or basic radical.
2. (Min.) Stibnite.
An7tiOmo6niOuOret7ed (?), a. (Chem.) Combined with or
containing antimony; as, antimoniureted hydrogen. [Written
also antimoniuretted.]
An6tiOmoOny (?; 112), n. [LL. antimonium, of unknown
origin.] (Chem.) An elementary substance, resembling a metal
in its appearance and physical properties, but in its
chemical relations belonging to the class of nonmetallic
substances. Atomic weight, 120. Symbol, Sb.
5 It is of tinPwhite color, brittle, laminated or
crystalline, fusible, and vaporizable at a rather low
temperature. It is used in some metallic alloys, as type
metal and bell metal, and also for medical preparations,
which are in general emetics or cathartics. By ancient
writers, and some moderns, the term is applied to native
gray ore of antimony, or stibnite (the stibium of the
Romans, and the ? of the Greeks, a sulphide of ~, from
which most of the ~ of commerce is obtained. Cervantite,
senarmontite, and valentinite are native oxides of ~.
An7tiOna6tionOal (?), a. Antagonistic to one's country or
nation, or to a national government.
An7tiOneOphrit6ic (?), a. (Med.) Counteracting, or deemed of
use in, diseases of the kidneys. P n. An ~ remedy.
An7tiOno6miOan (?), a. [See Antimony.] Of or pertaining to
the Antinomians; opposed to the doctrine that the moral law
is obligatory.
An7tiOno6miOan, n. (Eccl. Hist.) One who maintains that,
under the gospel dispensation, the moral law is of no use or
obligation, but that faith alone is necessary to salvation.
The sect of Antinomians originated with John Agricola, in
Germany, about the year 1535.
An7tiOno6miOanOism (?), n. The tenets or practice of
AnOtin6oOmist (?), n. An Antinomian. [R.]
Bp. Sanderson.
AnOtin6oOmy (?; 277), n.; pl. Antinomies (?). [L. antinomia,
Gr. ?; ? against + ? law.] 1. Opposition of one law or rule
to another law or rule.
Different commentators have deduced from it the very
opposite doctrines. In some instances this apparent antinomy
is doubtful.
De Quincey.
2. An opposing law or rule of any kind.
As it were by his own antinomy, or counterstatute.
3. (Metaph.) A contradiction or incompatibility of thought
or language; P in the Kantian philosophy, such a
contradiction as arises from the attempt to apply to the
ideas of the reason, relations or attributes which are
appropriate only to the facts or the concepts of experience.
An7tiOo6chiOan (?), a. 1. Pertaining to Antiochus, a
contemporary with Cicero, and the founder of a sect of
2. Of or pertaining to the city of Antioch, in Syria.
w epoch (Chron.), a method of computing time, from the
proclamation of liberty granted to the city of Antioch,
about the time of the battle of Pharsalia, b. c. 48.
An7tiOo7donOtal6gic (?), a. (Med.) Efficacious in curing
toothache. P n. A remedy for toothache.
An7tiOorOgas6tic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? to swell, as
with lust.] (Med.) Tending to allay venereal excitement or
desire; sedative.
An7tiOpa6pal (?), a. Opposed to the pope or to popery.
An7tiOpar6alOlel (?), a. Running in a contrary direction.
An7tiOpar6alOlels (?), n. pl. (Geom.) Straight lines or
planes which make angles in some respect opposite in
character to those made by parallel lines or planes.
An7tiOpar7aOlyt6ic (?), a. (Med.) Good against paralysis. P
n. A medicine for paralysis.
An7tiOpar7aOlyt6icOal (?), a. Antiparalytic.
An7tiOpaOthet6ic (?), An7tiOpaOthet6icOal (?), } a. Having a
natural contrariety, or constitutional aversion, to a thing;
characterized by antipathy; P often followed by to.
An7tiOpath6ic (?), a. [NL. antipathicus, Gr. ? of opposite
feelings.] (Med.) Belonging to antipathy; opposite;
contrary; allopathic.
AnOtip6aOthist (?), n. One who has an antipathy. [R.]
=Antipathist of light.8
AnOtip6aOthous (?), a. Having a natural contrariety;
adverse; antipathetic. [Obs.]
Beau. & Fl.
AnOtip6aOthize (?), v. i. To feel or show antipathy. [R.]
AnOtip6aOthy (?), n.; pl. Antipathies (?). [L. antipathia,
Gr. ?; ? against + ? to suffer. Cf. F. antipathie. See
Pathos.] 1. Contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled
aversion or dislike; repugnance; distaste.
Inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and
passionate attachments to others, are to be avoided.
2. Natural contrariety; incompatibility; repugnancy of
qualities; as, oil and water have antipathy.
A habit is generated of thinking that a natural antipathy
exists between hope and reason.
I. Taylor.
5 Antipathy is opposed to sympathy. It is followed by to,
against, or between; also sometimes by for.
Syn. - Hatred; aversion; dislike; disgust; distaste; enmity;
ill will; repugnance; contrariety; opposition. See Dislike.
An7tiOpep6tone (?), n. (Physiol. Chem.) A product of gastric
and pancreatic digestion, differing from hemipeptone in not
being decomposed by the continued action of pancreatic
An7tiOpe7riOod6ic (?), n. (Med.) A remedy possessing the
property of preventing the return of periodic paroxysms, or
exacerbations, of disease, as in intermittent fevers.
An7tiOper7iOstal6tic (?), a. (Med.) Opposed to, or checking
motion; acting upward; P applied to an inverted action of
the intestinal tube.
X An7tiOpeOris6taOsis (?), n. [Gr. ?; ? against + ? a
standing around, fr. ? to stand around; ? around + ? to
stand.] Opposition by which the quality opposed asquires
strength; resistance or reaction roused by opposition or by
the action of an opposite principle or quality.
An7tiOper7iOstat6ic (?), a. Pertaining to antiperistasis.
An7tiOpet6alOous (?), a. [Pref. antiO + petal.] (Bot.)
Standing before a petal, as a stamen.
An7tiOphar6mic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? poison.] (Med.)
Antidotal; alexipharmic.
An7tiOphloOgis6tian (?), n. An opposer of the theory of
An7tiOphloOgis6tic (?), a. 1. (Chem.) Opposed to the
doctrine of phlogiston.
2. (Med.) Counteracting inflammation.
An7tiOphloOgis6tic, n. (Med.) Any medicine or diet which
tends to check inflammation.
An6tiOphon (?), n. [LL. antiphona, fr. Gr. ?. See Anthem.]
1. A musical response; alternate singing or chanting. See
Antiphony, and Antiphone.
2. A verse said before and after the psalms.
AnOtiph6oOnal (?), a. Of or pertaining to antiphony, or
alternate singing; sung alternately by a divided choir or
opposite choirs. Wheatly. P AnOtiph6oOnalOly, adv.
AnOtiph6oOnal, n. A book of antiphons or anthems.
AnOtiph6oOnaOry (?), n. [LL. antiphonarium. See Antiphoner.]
A book containing a collection of antiphons; the book in
which the antiphons of the breviary, with their musical
notes, are contained.
An6tiOphone (?), n. (Mus.) The response which one side of
the choir makes to the other in a chant; alternate chanting
or signing.
AnOtiph6oOner (?), n. [F. antiphonaire. See Antiphon.] A
book of antiphons.

An7tiOphon6ic (?), a. Antiphonal.
AnOtiph6oOny (?), n.; pl. Antiphonies (?). [See Antiphon.]
1. A musical response; also, antiphonal chanting or signing.
2. An anthem or psalm sung alternately by a choir or
congregation divided into two parts. Also figuratively.
O! never more for me shall winds intone,
With all your tops, a vast antiphony.
R. Browning.
X AnOtiph6raOsis (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to express by
antithesis or negation.] (Rhet.) The use of words in a sense
opposite to their proper meaning; as when a court of justice
is called a court of vengeance.
An7tiOphras6tic (?), An7tiOphras6ticOal (?), } a. [Gr. ?.]
Pertaining to antiphrasis. P An7tiOphras6ticOalOly, adv.
An7tiOphthis6ic (?), a. (Med.) Relieving or curing phthisis,
or consumption. P n. A medicine for phthisis.
An7tiOphys6icOal (?), a. [Pref. antiO + physical.] Contrary
to nature; unnatural.
An7tiOphys6icOal, a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ? to inflate.]
(Med.) Relieving flatulence; carminative.
An7tiOplas6tic (?), a. 1. Diminishing plasticity.
2. (Med.) Preventing or checking the process of healing, or
An7tiOpoOdag6ric (?), a. (Med.) Good against gout. P n. A
medicine for gout.
AnOtip6oOdal (?), a. 1. Pertaining to the antipodes;
situated on the opposite side of the globe.
2. Diametrically opposite. His antipodal shadow.8
An6tiOpode (?), n. One of the antipodes; anything exactly
In tale or history your beggar is ever the just antipode to
your king.
5 The singular, antipode, is exceptional in formation, but
has been used by good writers. Its regular English plural
would be ?, the last syllable rhyming with abodes, and this
pronunciation is sometimes heard. The plural form
(originally a Latin word without a singular) is in common
use, and is pronounced, after the English method of Latin,
An7tiOpo6deOan (?), a. Pertaining to the antipodes, or the
opposite side of the world; antipodal.
AnOtip6oOdes (?), n. [L. pl., fr. Gr. ? with the feet
opposite, pl. ? ?; ? against + ?, ?, foot.] 1. Those who
live on the side of the globe diametrically opposite.
2. The country of those who live on the opposite side of the
3. Anything exactly opposite or contrary.
Can there be a greater contrariety unto Christ's judgment, a
more perfect antipodes to all that hath hitherto been
An6tiOpole (?), n. The opposite pole; anything diametrically
Geo. Eliot.
An6tiOpope (?), n. One who is elected, or claims to be, pope
in opposition to the pope canonically chosen; esp. applied
to those popes who resided at Avignon during the Great
An7tipOsor6ic (?), a. (Med.) Of use in curing the itch. P n.
An antipsoric remedy.
X An7tipOto6sis (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ?; ? against + ? a
falling, a case, ? to fall.] (Gram.) The putting of one case
for another.
An7tiOpu7treOfac6tive (?), An7tiOpuOtres6cent (?), } a.
Counteracting, or preserving from, putrefaction; antiseptic.
An7tiOpy6ic (?), a. [Pref. antiO + Gr. ?, ?, pus.] (Med.)
Checking or preventing suppuration. P n. An antipyic
X An7tiOpyOre6sis (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? against + ? to be
feverish, fr. ? fire.] (Med.) The condition or state of
being free from fever.
An7tiOpyOret6ic (?), a. (Med.) Efficacious in preventing or
allaying fever. P n. A febrifuge.
An7tiOpy6rine (?), n. (Med.) An artificial alkaloid,
believed to be efficient in abating fever.
An7tiOpyOrot6ic (?), a. (Med.) Good against burns or
pyrosis. P n. Anything of use in preventing or healing burns
or pyrosis.
An7tiOqua6riOan (?), a. [See Antiquary. Pertaining to
antiquaries, or to antiquity; as, antiqua rian literature.
An7tiOqua6riOan, n. 1. An antiquary.
2. A drawing paper of large size. See under Paper, n.
An7tiOqua6riOanOism (?), n. Character of an antiquary; study
or love of antiquities.
An7tiOqua6riOanOize (?), v. i. To act the part of an
antiquary. [Colloq.]
An6tiOquaOry (?), a. [L. antiquarius, fr. antiquus ancient.
See Antique.] Pertaining to antiquity. [R.] =Instructed by
the antiquary times.8
An6tiOquaOry, n.; pl. Antiquaries (?). One devoted to the
study of ancient times through their relics, as
inscriptions, monuments, remains of ancient habitations,
statues, coins, manuscripts, etc.; one who searches for and
studies the relics of antiquity.
An6tiOquate (?), v. t. [L. antiquatus, p. p. of antiquare,
fr. antiquus ancient.] To make old, or obsolete; to make
antique; to make old in such a degree as to put out of use;
hence, to make void, or abrogate.
Christianity might reasonably introduce new laws, and
antiquate or abrogate old one.
Sir M. Hale.
An6tiOqua7ted (?), a. Grown old. Hence: Bygone; obsolete;
out of use; oldPfashioned; as, an antiquated law.
=Antiquated words.8
Old Janet, for so he understood his antiquated attendant was
Sir W. Scott.
Syn. - Ancient; old; antique; obsolete. See Ancient.
An6tiOqua7tedOness, n. Quality of being antiquated.
An6tiOquateOness (?), n. Antiquatedness. [Obs.]
An7tiOqua6tion (?), n. [L. antiquatio, fr. antiquare.] The
act of making antiquated, or the state of being antiquated.
AnOtique6 (?), a. [F., fr. L. antiquus old, ancient, equiv.
to anticus, from ante before. Cf. Antic.]
1. Old; ancient; of genuine antiquity; as, an antique
statue. In this sense it usually refers to the flourishing
ages of Greece and Rome.
For the antique world excess and pride did hate.

<-- p. 66 -->

2. Old, as respects the present age, or a modern period of
time; of old fashion; antiquated; as, an antique robe.
=Antique words.8
3. Made in imitation of antiquity; as, the antique style of
Thomson's =Castle of Indolence.8
4. Odd; fantastic. [In this sense, written antic.]
Syn. - Ancient; antiquated; obsolete; antic; oldPfashioned;
old. See Ancient.
AnOtique6 (?), n. [F. See Antique, a. ] In general, anything
very old; but in a more limited sense, a relic or object of
ancient art; collectively, the antique, the remains of
ancient art, as busts, statues, paintings, and vases.
Misshapen monuments and maimed antiques.
AnOtique6ly, adv. In an antique manner.
AnOtique6ness, n. The quality of being antique; an
appearance of ancient origin and workmanship.
We may discover something venerable in the antiqueness of
the work.
An6tiOquist (?), n. An antiquary; a collector of antiques.
AnOtiq7uiOta6riOan (?), n. An admirer of antiquity. [Used by
Milton in a disparaging sense.] [Obs.]
AnOtiq6uiOty (?), n.; pl. Antiquities (?). [L. antiquitas,
fr. antiquus: cf. F. antiquit. See Antique.] 1. The quality
of being ancient; ancientness; great age; as, a statue of
remarkable antiquity; a family of great antiquity.
2. Old age. [Obs.]
It not your voice broken?... and every part about you
blasted with antiquity?
3. Ancient times; former ages; times long since past; as,
Cicero was an eloquent orator of antiquity.
4. The ancients; the people of ancient times.
That such pillars were raised by Seth all antiquity has
Sir W. Raleigh.
5. An old gentleman. [Obs.]
You are a shrewd antiquity, neighbor Clench.
B. Jonson.
6. A relic or monument of ancient times; as, a coin, a
statue, etc.; an ancient institution. [In this sense,
usually in the plural.] =Heathen antiquities.8
An7tiOraOchit6ic (?), a. (Med.) Good against the rickets.
An7tiOrent6er (?), n. One opposed to the payment of rent;
esp. one of those who in 1840P47 resisted the collection of
rents claimed by the patroons from the settlers on certain
manorial lands in the State of New York. P An7tiOrent6ism
(?), n.
An7tiOsab7baOta6riOan (?), n. (Eccl.) One of a sect which
opposes the observance of the Christian Sabbath.
An7tiOsac7erOdo6tal (?), a. Hostile to priests or the
AnOtis6cians (?), X AnOtis6ciOi (?), } n. pl. [L. antiscii,
Gr. ?, pl.; ? against + ? shadow.] The inhabitants of the
earth, living on different sides of the equator, whose
shadows at noon are cast in opposite directions.
The inhabitants of the north and south temperate zones are
always Antiscians.
Brande & C.
An7tiOscoOlet6ic (?), An7tiOscol6ic (?), } a. [Pref. antiO +
Gr. ? a worm.] (Med.) Anthelmintic.
An7tiOscorObu6tic (?), a. (Med.) Counteracting scurvy. P n.
A remedy for scurvy.
An7tiOscorObu6ticOal (?), a. (Med.) Antiscorbutic.
An7tiOscrip6turOal (?), a. Opposed to, or not in accordance
with, the Holy Scriptures.
An7tiOsep6alOous (?), a. [Pref. antiO + sepal.] (Bot.)
Standing before a sepal, or calyx leaf.
An7tiOsep6tic (?), An7tiOsep6ticOal (?), } a. Counteracting
or preventing putrefaction, or a putrescent tendency in the
system; antiputrefactive.
w surgery, that system of surgical practice which insists
upon a systematic use of antiseptics in the performance of
operations and the dressing of wounds.
An7tiOsep6tic, n. A substance which prevents or retards
putrefaction, or destroys, or protects from, putrefactive
organisms; as, salt, carbolic acid, alcohol, cinchona.
An7tiOsep6ticOalOly (?), adv. By means of antiseptics.
An7tiOslav6erOy (?), a. Opposed to slavery. P n. Opposition
to slavery.
An7tiOso6cial (?), a. Tending to interrupt or destroy social
intercourse; averse to society, or hostile to its existence;
as, antisocial principles.
An7tiOso6cialOist, n. One opposed to the doctrines and
practices of socialists or socialism.
An7tiOso6lar (?), a. Opposite to the sun; P said of the
point in the heavens 1800 distant from the sun.
An7tiOspasOmod6ic (?), a. (Med.) Good against spasms. P n. A
medicine which prevents or allays spasms or convulsions.
An6tiOspast (?), n. [L. antispastus, Gr. ?, fr. ? to draw
the contrary way; ? against + ? to draw.] (Pros.) A foot of
four syllables, the first and fourth short, and the second
and third long (?).
An7tiOspas6tic (?), a. [Gr. ?. See Antispast.] (Med.) (a)
Believed to cause a revulsion of fluids or of humors from
one part to another. [Obs.] (b) Counteracting spasms;
antispasmodic. P n. An antispastic agent.
An7tiOsplen6eOtic (?; see Splenetic, 277), a. Good as a
remedy against disease of the spleen. P n. An ~ medicine.
X AnOtis6troOphe (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to turn to
the opposite side; ? against + ? to turn. See Strophe.] 1.
In Greek choruses and dances, the returning of the chorus,
exactly answering to a previous strophe or movement from
right to left. Hence: The lines of this part of the choral
It was customary, on some occasions, to dance round the
altars whilst they sang the sacred hymns, which consisted of
three stanzas or parts; the first of which, called strophe,
was sung in turning from east to west; the other, named
antistrophe, in returning from west to east; then they stood
before the altar, and sang the epode, which was the last
part of the song.
Abp. Potter.
2. (Rhet.) (a) The repetition of words in an inverse order;
as, the master of the servant and the servant of the master.
(b) The retort or turning of an adversary's plea against
An7tiOstroph6ic (?), a. [Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to an
X AnOtis6troOphon (?), n. [Gr. ? turned opposite ways.]
(Rhet.) An argument retorted on an opponent.
An7tiOstru6mat6ic (?), a. (Med.) Antistrumous. P n. A
medicine for scrofula.
An7tiOstru6mous (?), a. (Med.) Good against scrofulous
Johnson. Wiseman.
An7tiOsyph7iOlit6ic (?), a. (Med.) Efficacious against
syphilis. P n. A medicine for syphilis.
An7tiOthe6ism (?), n. The doctrine of antitheists. P
An7tiOtheOis6tic (?), a.
An7tiOthe6ist, n. A disbeliever in the existence of God.
AnOtith6eOsis (?), n.; pl. Antitheses (?). [L., fr. Gr. ?,
fr. ? to set against, to oppose; ? against + ? to set. See
Thesis.] 1. (Rhet.) An opposition or contrast of words or
sentiments occurring in the same sentence; as, =The prodigal
robs his heir; the miser robs himself.8 He had covertly shot
at Cromwell; he how openly aimed at the Queen.8
2. The second of two clauses forming an ~.
3. Opposition; contrast.
An6tiOthet (?), n. [L. antitheton, fr. Gr. ?, ?,
antithetic.] An antithetic or contrasted statement.
An7tiOthet6ic (?), An7tiOthet6icOal (?), } a. [Gr. ?.]
Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and
sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis;
An7tiOthet6icOalOly, adv. By way antithesis.
An7tiOtox6in , An7tiOtox6ine } (?), n. [Pref. antiO +
toxin.] A substance (sometimes the product of a specific
microPorganism and sometimes naturally present in the blood
or tissues of an animal), capable of producing immunity from
certain diseases, or of counteracting the poisonous effects
of pathogenic bacteria.
An6tiPtrade7 (?), n. A tropical wind blowing steadily in a
direction opposite to the trade wind.
X AnOtit6raOgus (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?.] (Anat.) A
prominence on the lower posterior portion of the concha of
the external ear, opposite the tragus. See Ear.
X An7tiOtroOchan6ter (?), n. (Anat.) An articular surface on
the ilium of birds against which the great trochanter of the
femur plays.
AnOtit6roOpal (?), AnOtit6roOpous (?), } a. [Pref. antiO +
Gr. ? turn, ? to turn.] (Bot.) At the extremity most remote
from the hilum, as the embryo, or inverted with respect to
the seed, as the radicle.
An6tiOty7pal (?), a. Antitypical. [R.]
An6tiOtype (?), n. [Gr. ? of corresponding form; ? against +
? type, figure. See Type.] That of which the type pattern or
representation; that which is represented by the type or
An7tiOtyp6icOal (?), a. Of or pertaining to an antitype;
explaining the type. P An7tiOtyp6icOalOly, adv.
AnOtit6yOpous (?), a. [Gr. ?.] Resisting blows; hard. [Obs.]
AnOtit6yOpy (?), n. [Gr. ?.] Opposition or resistance of
matter to force. [R.]
Sir W. Hamilton.
An7tiOvac7ciOna6tion (?), n. Opposition to vaccination.
London Times.
An7tiOvac7ciOna6tionOist, n. An antivaccinist.
An7tiOvac6ciOnist, n. One opposed to vaccination.
An7tiOvaOri6oOlous (?), a. Preventing the contagion of
An7tiOveOne6reOal (?), a. Good against venereal poison;
An7tiOviv7iOsec6tion (?), n. Opposition to vivisection.
An7tiOviv7iOsec6tionOist, n. One opposed to vivisection
An7tiOzym6ic (?), a. Preventing fermentation.
An7tiOzyOmot6ic (?), a. (Med.) Preventing fermentation or
decomposition. P n. An agent so used.
Ant6ler (?), n. [OE. auntelere, OF. antoillier, andoiller,
endouiller, fr. F. andouiller, fr. an assumed LL.
antocularis, fr. L. ante before + oculus eye. See Ocular.]
(Zol.) The entire horn, or any branch of the horn, of a
cervine animal, as of a stag.
Huge stags with sixteen antlers.
5 The branch next to the head is called the brow antler, and
the branch next above, the bez antler, or bay antler. The
main stem is the beam, and the branches are often called
tynes. Antlers are deciduous bony (not horny) growths, and
are covered with a periosteum while growing. See Velvet.
w moth (Zol.), a destructive European moth (Cerapteryx
graminis), which devastates grass lands.
Ant6lered (?), a. Furnished with antlers.
The antlered stag.
X Ant6liOa (?), n.; pl. Antil (?). [L., a pump, Gr. ? hold
of a ship.] (Zol.) The spiral tubular proboscis of
lepidopterous insects. See Lepidoptera.
Ant6Pli7on (?), n. (Zol.) A neuropterous insect, the larva
of which makes in the sand a pitfall to capture ants, etc.
The common American species is Myrmeleon obsoletus, the
European is M. formicarius.
X AnOt?6ci (?), AnOt?6Ocians (?), n. pl. [NL. antoeci, fr.
Gr. pl. ?; ? opposite + ? to live.] Those who live under the
same meridian, but on opposite parallels of latitude, north
and south of the equator.
X An7toOnoOma6siOa (?; 277), n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to
name instead; ? + ? to name, ? name.] (Rhet.) The use of
some epithet or the name of some office, dignity, or the
like, instead of the proper name of the person; as when his
majesty is used for a king, or when, instead of Aristotle,
we say, the philosopher; or, conversely, the use of a proper
name instead of an appellative, as when a wise man is called
a Solomon, or an eminent orator a Cicero.
An7toOnoOmas6tic (?), a. Pertaining to, or characterized by,
antonomasia. P An7toOnoOmas6ticOalOly (?), adv.
AnOton6oOmaOsy (?), n. Antonomasia.
An6toOnym (?), n. [Gr. ? a word used in substitution for
another; ? + ?, ?, a word.] A word of opposite meaning; a
counterterm; P used as a correlative of synonym. [R.]
C. J. Smith.
AntOor6bitOal (?), a. [Pref. antiO + orbital.] (Anat.)
Pertaining to, or situated in, the region of the front of
the orbit. P n. The ~ bone.
Ant7orOgas6tic (?), a. See Antiorgastic.
AntOo6zone (?), n. [Pref. antiO + ozone.] (Chem.) A compound
formerly supposed to be modification of oxygen, but now
known to be hydrogen dioxide; P so called because apparently
antagonistic to ozone, converting it into ordinary oxygen.
An6tral (?), a. (Anat.) Relating to an antrum.
An6tre (?), n. [F. antre, L. antrum, fr. Gr. ?.] A cavern.
AnOtrorse6 (?), a. [From L. ante + versun turned; apparently
formed in imitation of re?rorse.] (Bot.) Forward or upward
in direction.

An7troOvert6 (?), v. t. To bend forward. [R.]
X An6trum (?), n.; pl. Antra (?). [L., fr. Gr. ?.] A cavern
or cavity, esp. an anatomical cavity or sinus.

X AnOtrus6tion (?), n. [F., fr. LL. antrustio.] A vassal or
voluntary follower of Frankish princes in their enterprises.
Ant6 thrush7 (?). (Zol.) (a) One of several species of
tropical birds, of the Old World, of the genus Pitta,
somewhat resembling the thrushes, and feeding chiefly on
ants. (b) See Ant bird, under Ant.
X AOnu6bis (?), n. [L.] (Myth.) An Egyptian deity, the
conductor of departed spirits, represented by a human figure
with the head of a dog or fox.
X AOnu6ra (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? priv. + ? a tail.]
(Zol.) One of the orders of amphibians characterized by the
absence of a tail, as the frogs and toads. [Written also
AOnu6rous (?), a. (Zol.) Destitute of a tail, as the frogs
and toads, [Also written anourous.]
An6uOry (?), n. [Gr. ? priv. + ? urine.] (Med.) Nonsecretion
or defective secretion of urine; ischury.
X A6nus (?), n. [L., prob. for asnus: cf. Gr. ? to sit, Skr.
>s.] (Anat.) The posterior opening of the alimentary canal,
through which the excrements are expelled.
An6vil (?), n. [OE. anvelt, anfelt, anefelt, AS. anfilt,
onfilt; of uncertain origin; cf. OHG. anafalz, D. aanbeld.]
1. An iron block, usually with a steel face, upon which
metals are hammered and shaped.
2. Anything resembling an anvil in shape or use.
Specifically (Anat.), the incus. See Incus.
To be on the ~, to be in a state of discussion, formation,
or preparation, as when a scheme or measure is forming, but
not matured.
An6vil, v. t. To form or shape on an ~; to hammer out; as,
anviled armor.
Beau. & Fl.
AnxOi6eOtude (?), n. [L. anxietudo.] The state of being
anxious; anxiety. [R.]
AnxOi6eOty (?), n.; pl. Anxieties (?). [L. anxietas, fr.
anxius: cf. F. anxit. See Anxious.]

<-- p. 67 -->

1. Concern or solicitude respecting some thing o??vent,
future or uncertain, which disturbs the mind, and keeps it
in a state of painful uneasiness.
2. Eager desire.
J. D. Forbes
3. (Med.) A state of restlessness and agitation, often with
general indisposition and a distressing sense of oppression
at the epigastrium.
Syn. - Care; solicitude; foreboding; uneasiness; perplexity;
disquietude; disquiet; trouble; apprehension; restlessness.
See Care.
Anx6ious (?), a. [L. anxius, fr. angere to cause pain,
choke; akin to Gr. ? to choke. See Anger.] 1. Full of
anxiety or disquietude; greatly concerned or solicitous,
esp. respecting future or unknown; being in painful
suspense; P applied to persons; as, anxious for the issue of
a battle.
2. Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying; P
applied to things; as, anxious labor.
The sweet of life, from which
God hath bid dwell far off all anxious cares.
3. Earnestly desirous; as, anxious to please.
He sneers alike at those who are anxious to preserve and at
those who are eager for reform.
Anxious is followed by for, about, concerning, etc., before
the object of solicitude.
Syn. - Solicitous; careful; uneasy; unquiet; restless;
concerned; disturbed; watchful.
Anx6iousOly, adv. In an anxious manner; with painful
uncertainty; solicitously.
Anx6iousOness, n. The quality of being anxious; great
solicitude; anxiety.
A6ny (?), a. & pron. [OE. ni?, ni, eni, ani, oni, AS.
?nig, fr. >n one. It is akin to OS. ?nig, OHG. einic, G.
einig, D. eenig. See One.] 1. One indifferently, out of an
indefinite number; one indefinitely, whosoever or whatsoever
it may be.
5 Any is often used in denying or asserting without
limitation; as, this thing ought not be done at any time; I
ask any one to answer my question.
No man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any
man the Father, save the Son.
Matt. xi. 27.
2. Some, of whatever kind, quantity, or number; as, are
there any witnesses present? are there any other houses like
it? =Who will show us any good?8
Ps. iv. 6.
It is often used, either in the singular or the plural, as a
pronoun, the person or thing being understood; anybody;
anyone; (pl.) any persons.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,... and it
shall be given him.
Jas. i. 5.
That if he found any of this way, whether they were men or
women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
Acts ix. 2.
At any rate, In any case, whatever may be the state of
affairs; anyhow.
A6ny, adv. To ~ extent; in ~ degree; at all.
You are not to go loose any longer.
Before you go any farther.
A6nyObodOy (?), n. 1. Any one out of an indefinite number of
persons; anyone; any person.
His Majesty could not keep any secret from anybody.
2. A person of consideration or standing. [Colloq.]
All the men belonged exclusively to the mechanical and
shopkeeping classes, and there was not a single banker or
anybody in the list.
Lond. Sat. Rev.
A6nyOhow7 (?), adv. In any way or manner whatever; at any
rate; in any event.
Anyhow, it must be acknowledged to be not a simple
selforiginated error.
J. H. Newman.
Anyhow, the languages of the two nations were closely
E. A. Freeman.
A6nyOone (?), n. One taken at random rather than by
selection; anybody. [Commonly written as two words.]
A6nyOthing (?), n. 1. Any object, act, state, event, or fact
whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as,
I would not do it for anything.
Did you ever know of anything so unlucky?
A. Trollope.
They do not know that anything is amiss with them.
W. G. Sumner.
2. Expressing an indefinite comparison; P with as or like.
[Colloq. or Low]
I fear your girl will grow as proud as anything.
5 Any thing, written as two words, is now commonly used in
contradistinction to any person or anybody. Formerly it was
also separated when used in the wider sense. =Necessity
drove them to undertake any thing and venture any thing.8
De Foe.
w but, not at all or in any respect. =The battle was a rare
one, and the victory anything but secure.8 Hawthorne. P w
like, in any respect; at all; as, I can not give anything
like a fair sketch of his trials.
A6nyOthing, adv. In any measure; anywise; at all.
Mine old good will and hearty affection towards you is
not... anything at all quailed.
Robynson (More's Utopia).
A7nyOthingOa6riOan (?), n. One who holds to no particular
creed or dogma.
A6nyOway (?), A6nyOways (?), } adv. Anywise; at all.
Tennyson. Southey.
A6nyOwhere (?), adv. In any place.
A6nyOwhith7er (?), adv. To or towards any place. [Archaic]
De Foe.
A6nyOwise (?), adv. In any wise or way; at all. =Anywise
AOo6niOan (?), a. [From Aonia, a part of ??otia, in Greece.]
Pertaining to Aonia, B?otia, or to the Muses, who were
supposed to dwell there.
w fount, the fountain of Aganippe, at the foot of Mount
Helicon, not far from Thebes, and sacred to the Muses.
A6oOrist (?), n. [Gr. ? indefinite; ? priv. + ? to define, ?
boundary, limit.] (Gram.) A tense in the Greek language,
which expresses an action as completed in past time, but
leaves it, in other respects, wholly indeterminate.
A7oOris6tic (?), a. [Gr. ?.] Indefinite; pertaining to the
aorist tense.
AOor6ta (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to lift, heave.]
(Anat.) The great artery which carries the blood from the
heart to all parts of the body except the lungs; the main
trunk of the arterial system.
5 In fishes and the early stages of all higher vertebrates
the ~ divides near its origin into several branches (the
aortic arches) which pass in pairs round the ?sophagus and
unite to form the systemic ~. One or more pairs of these
arches persist in amphibia and reptiles, but only one arch
in birds and mammals, this being on the right side in the
former, and on the left in the latter.
AOor6tal (?), a. Aortic; resembling the aorta. [R.]
AOor6tic (?), a. Of or pertaining to the aorta.
X A7orOti6tis (?), n. [Aorta + Oitis.] (Med.) Inflammation
of the aorta.
X A6ouOdad (?), n. [The Moorish name.] (Zol.) An African
sheeplike quadruped (the Ammotragus tragelaphus) having a
long mane on the breast and fore legs. It is, perhaps, the
chamois of the Old Testament.
AOpace6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + pace. OE. a pas at a walk, in
which a is the article. See Pace.] With a quick pace; quick;
fast; speedily.
His dewy locks did drop with brine apace.
A visible triumph of the gospel draw? on apace.
I. Taylor.
AOpa6ches (?), n. pl.; sing. Apache (?). (Ethnol.) A group
of nomadic North American Indians including several tribes
native of Arizona, New Mexico, etc.
Ap7aOgo6ge (?), n. [Gr. ? a leading away, fr. ? to lead
away; ? from + ? to lead.] (Logic) An indirect argument
which proves a thing by showing the impossibility or
absurdity of the contrary.
Ap7aOgog6ic (?), Ap7aOgog6icOal (?), } a. Proving
indirectly, by showing the absurdity, or impossibility of
the contrary.
Bp. Berkeley.
AOpaid6 (?), a. Paid; pleased. [Obs.]
AOpair6 (?), v. t. & i. To impair or become impaired; to
injure. [Obs.]

Ap7aOla6chiOan , a. See Appalachian.
Ap6anOage , n. Same as Appanage.
AOpan6throOpy (?), n. [Gr. ?; ? from + ? man.] An aversion
to the company of men; a love of solitude.
X A6par (?), A6paOra (?), n. [Native name apara.] (Zol.)
See Mataco.
X A7paOre6jo (?), n. [Sp.] A kind of pack saddle used in the
American military service and among the Spanish Americans.
It is made of leather stuffed with hay, moss, or the like.
X Ap7aOrith6meOsis (?; 277), n. [Gr. ?, from ? to count off
or over.] (Rhet.) Enumeration of parts or particulars.
AOpart6 (?), adv. [F.  part; (L. ad) + part part. See
Part.] 1. Separately, in regard to space or company; in a
state of separation as to place; aside.
Others apart sat on a hill retired.
The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself.
Ps. iv. 3.
2. In a state of separation, of exclusion, or of
distinction, as to purpose, use, or character, or as a
matter of thought; separately; independently; as, consider
the two propositions apart.
3. Aside; away. =Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and
superfluity of naughtiness.8
Jas. i. 21.
Let Pleasure go, put Care apart.
4. In two or more parts; asunder; to piece; as, to take a
piece of machinery apart.
AOpart6ment (?), n. [F. appartement; cf. It. appartamento,
fr. appartare to separate, set apart; all fr. L. ad + pars,
partis, part. See Apart.] 1. A room in a building; a
division in a house, separated from others by partitions.
2. A set or suite of rooms.
De Quincey.
3. A compartment. [Obs.]
AOpart6ness (?), n. The quality of standing apart.
X ApOas6tron (?), n. [Gr. ? from + ? star.] (Astron.) That
point in the orbit of a double star where the smaller star
is farthest from its primary.
Ap7aOthet6ic (?), Ap7aOthet6icOal (?) a. [See Apathy.] Void
of feeling; not susceptible of deep emotion; passionless;
Ap7aOthet6icOalOly, adv. In an apathetic manner.
Ap6aOthist (?), n. [Cf. F. apathiste.] One who is destitute
of feeling.
Ap7aOthis6ticOal (?), a. Apathetic; une motional. [R.]
Ap6aOthy (?), n.; pl. Apathies (?). [L. apathia, Gr. ?; ?
priv. + ?, fr. ?, ?, to suffer: cf. F. apathie. See Pathos.]
Want of feeling; privation of passion, emotion, or
excitement; dispassion; P applied either to the body or the
mind. As applied to the mind, it is a calmness, indolence,
or state of indifference, incapable of being ruffled or
roused to active interest or exertion by pleasure, pain, or
passion. =The apathy of despair.8
A certain apathy or sluggishness in his nature which led
him... to leave events to take their own course.
According to the Stoics, apathy meant the extinction of the
passions by the ascendency of reason.
5 In the first ages of the church, the Christians adopted
the term to express a contempt of earthly concerns.
Syn. - Insensibility; unfeelingness; indifference;
unconcern; stoicism; supineness; sluggishness.
Ap6aOtite (?), n. [Gr. ? deceit, fr. ? to deceive; it having
been often mistaken for other minerals.] (Min.) Native
phosphate of lime, occurring usually in sixPsided prisms,
color often pale green, transparent or translucent.
A7pau7m6 (?), n. See Appaum?.
Ape (?), n. [AS. apa; akin to D. aap, OHG. affo, G. affe,
Icel. api, Sw. apa, Dan. abe, W. epa.] 1. (Zol.) A
quadrumanous mammal, esp. of the family Simiad, having
teeth of the same number and form as in man, having teeth of
the same number and form as in man, and possessing neither a
tail nor cheek pouches. The name is applied esp. to species
of the genus Hylobates, and is sometimes used as a general
term for all Quadrumana. The higher forms, the gorilla,
chimpanzee, and ourang, are often called anthropoid apes or
man apes.
5 The ape of the Old Testament was prqobably the rhesus
monkey of India, and allied forms.
2. One who imitates servilely (in allusion to the manners of
the ape); a mimic.
3. A dupe. [Obs.]

Ape, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Aped ; p. pr. & vb. n. Aping.] To
mimic, as an ape imitates human actions; to imitate or
follow servilely or irrationally. =How he apes his sire.8
The people of England will not ape the fashions they have
never tried.
AOpeak6 (?), adv. & a. [Pref. aO + peak. Cf. F.  pic
vertically.] (Naut.) In a vertical line. The anchor in
apeak, when the cable has been sufficiently hove in to bring
the ship over it, and the ship is them said to be hove
apeak. [Spelt also a?eek.]
Ape6hood (?), n. The state of being an ape.
AOpel6lous (?), a. [Pref. aO not + L. pellis skin.]
Destitute of skin.
Brande & C.
Ap6enOnine (?), a. [L. Apenninus, fr. Celtic pen, or ben,
peak, mountain.] Of, pertaining to, or designating, the
Apennines, a chain of mountains extending through Italy.
AOpep6sy (?), n. [NL. apepsia, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? uncooked,
undigested; ? priv. + ? cooked, ? to cook, digest.] (Med.)
Defective digestion, indigestion.
Ap6er (?), n. One who apes.
X AOpe6reOa (?), n. [Native name.] (Zol.) The wild Guinea
pig of Brazil (Cavia aperea).
AOpe6riOent (?), a. [L. aperiens, p. pr. of aperire to
uncover, open; ab + parire, parere, to bring forth, produce.
Cf. Cover, Overt.] (Med.) Gently opening the bowels;
laxative. P n. An aperient medicine or food.
AOper6iOtive (?), a. [Cf. F. apritif, fr. L. aperire.]
Serving to open; aperient.
AOpert6 (?), a. [OF. apert, L. apertus, p. p. of aperire.
See Aperient, and cf. Pert, a.] Open; ev?dent; undisguised.
AOpert6, adv. Openly. [Obs.]
AOper6tion (?), n. [L. apertio.] The act of opening; an
opening; an aperture. [Archaic]
AOpert6ly, adv. Openly; clearly. [Archaic]
AOpert6ness, n. Openness; frankness. [Archaic]
Ap6erOture (?; 135), n. [L. apertura, fr. aperire. See
Aperient.] 1. The act of opening. [Obs.]
2. An opening; an open space; a gap, cleft, or chasm; a
passage perforated; a hole; as, an aperture in a wall.
An aperture between the mountains.
The back aperture of the nostrils.
3. (Opt.) The diameter of the exposed part of the object
glass of a telescope or other optical instrument; as, a
telescope of fourPinch aperture.
5 The aperture of microscopes is often expressed in degrees,
called also the angular aperture, which signifies the
angular breadth of the pencil of light which the instrument
transmits from the object or point viewed; as, a microscope
of 1000 aperture.
Ap6erOy (?), n.; pl. Aperies . 1. A place where apes are
kept. [R.]
2. The practice of aping; an apish action.

<-- p. 68 -->

AOpet6alOous (?), a. [Pref. aO not + petal.] (Bot.) Having
no petals, or flower leaves. [See Illust. under Anther.
AOpet6alOousOness, n. The state of being apetalous.
A6pex (?), n.; pl. E. Apexes (?); L. Apices (?). [L.] 1. The
tip, top, point, or angular summit of anything; as, the apex
of a mountain, spire, or cone; the apex, or tip, of a leaf.
2. (Mining) The end or edge of a vein nearest the surface.
w of the earth's motion (Astron.), that point of the heavens
toward which the earth is moving in its orbit.
X AOphr6eOsis (?; 277), n. [L.] Same as Apheresis.
X AOpha6kiOa (?), n. [NL.; Gr. ? priv. + ? seed of a
lentil.] (Med.) An anomalous state of refraction caused by
the absence of the crystalline lens, as after operations for
cataract. The remedy is the use of powerful convex lenses.
AOpha6kiOal (?), a. (Med.) Pertaining to aphakia; as,
aphakial eyes.
X Aph7aOnip6teOra (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? invisible (?
priv. + ? to appear) + ? a wing.] (Zol.) A group of
wingless insects, of which the flea in the type. See Flea.
Aph7aOnip6terOous (?), a. (Zol.) Of or pertaining to the
Aph6aOnite (?), n. [Gr. ? invisible; ? priv. + ? to appear.]
(Min.) A very compact, darkPcolored ?ock, consisting of
hornblende, or pyroxene, and feldspar, but neither of them
in perceptible grains.
Aph7aOnit6ic (?), a. (Min.) Resembling aphanite; having a
very finePgrained structure.
X AOpha6siOa (?), Aph6aOsy (?), } n. [NL. aphasia, Gr. ?,
fr. ? not spoken; ? priv. + ? to speak: cf. F. aphasie.]
(Med.) Loss of the power of speech, or of the appropriate
use of words, the vocal organs remaining intact, and the
intelligence being preserved. It is dependent on injury or
disease of the brain.
AOpha6sic (?), a. Pertaining to, or affected by, aphasia;
AOphel6ion (?; 277), n.; pl. Aphelia (?). [Gr. ? + ? sun.]
(Astron.) That point of a planet's or comet's orbit which is
most distant from the sun, the opposite point being the
AOphe7liOoOtrop6ic (?), a. [Gr. ? + ? sun + ? belonging to a
turning.] Turning away from the sun; P said of leaves, etc.
AOphe7liOot6roOpism (?), n. The habit of bending from the
sunlight; P said of certain plants.
X AOphe6miOa (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? priv. + ? voice.]
(Med.) Loss of the power of speaking, while retaining the
power of writing; P a disorder of cerebral origin.
AOpher6eOsis (?; 277), n. [L. aphaeresis, Gr. ?, fr. ? to
take away; ? + ? to take.] 1. (Gram.) The dropping of a
letter or syllable from the beginning of a word; e. g., cute
for acute.
2. (Surg.) An operation by which any part is separated from
the rest. [Obs.]
X Aph6eOsis (?), n. [Gr. ? a letting go; ? + ? to let go.]
The loss of a short unaccented vowel at the beginning of a
word; P the result of a phonetic process; as, squire for
New Eng. Dict.
AOphet6ic (?), a. [Gr. ? letting go, fr. ? to let go.]
Shortened by dropping a letter or a syllable from the
beginning of a word; as, an aphetic word or form. P
AOphet6icOalOly, adv.
New Eng. Dict.
Aph6eOtism (?), n. An aphetized form of a word.
New Eng. Dict.
Aph6eOtize (?), v. t. To shorten by aphesis.
These words... have been aphetized.
New Eng. Dict.
A6phid (?), n. (Zol.) One of the genus Aphis; an aphidian.
Aph6iOdes (?), n. pl. (Zol.) See Aphis.
AOphid6iOan (?), a. (Zol.) Of or pertaining to the family
Aphid. P n. One of the aphides; an aphid.
Aph7iOdiv6oOrous (?)(?). [Aphis + L. vorare to devour.]
(Zol.) Devouring aphides; aphidophagous.
Aph7iOdoph6aOgous (?), a. [Aphis + Gr. ? to eat.] (Zol.)
Feeding upon aphides, or plant lice, as do beetles of the
family Coccinellid.
Aph7iOlan6throOpy (?), n. [Gr. ? not loving man; ? priv. + ?
to love + ? man.] Want of love to mankind; P the opposite of
X A6phis (?), n.; pl. Aphides (?). [NL.] (Zol.) A genus of
insects belonging to the order Hemiptera and family Aphid,
including numerous species known as plant lice and green
5 Besides the true males and females, there is a race of
wingless asexual individuals which have the power of
producing living young in rapid succession, and these in
turn may produce others of the same kind for several
generations, before sexual individuals appear. They suck the
sap of plants by means of a tubular proboscis, and owing to
the wonderful rapidity of their reproduction become very
destructive to vegetation. Many of the Aphid excrete
honeydew from two tubes near the end of the body.
A6phis li6on (?). (Zol.) The larva of the lacewinged flies
(Chrysopa), which feeds voraciously upon aphids. The name is
also applied to the larv of the ladybugs (Coccinella).
Aph7loOgis6Otic (?), a. [Gr. ? not inflammable; ? priv. + ?
set on fire. See Phlogiston.] Flameless; as, an aphlogistic
lamp, in which a coil of wire is kept in a state of
continued ignition by alcohol, without flame.
X AOpho6niOa (?), Aph6oOny (?), } n. [NL. aphonia, Gr. ?,
fr. ? voiceless; ? priv. + ? voice: cf. F. aphonie.] (Med.)
Loss of voice or vocal utterance.
AOphon6ic (?), Aph6oOnous (?), } a. Without voice;
voiceless; nonvocal.
Aph6oOrism (?), n. [F. aphorisme, fr. Gr. ? definition, a
short, pithy sentence, fr. ? to mark off by boundaries, to
define; ? from + ? to separate, part. See Horizon.] A
comprehensive maxim or principle expressed in a few words; a
sharply defined sentence relating to abstract truth rather
than to practical matters.
The first aphorism of Hippocrates is, =Life is short, and
the art is long.8
Syn. - Axiom; maxim; adage; proverb; apothegm; saying; saw;
truism; dictum. See Axiom.
Aph7oOrisOmat6ic (?), Aph7oOris6mic (?), } a. Pertaining to
aphorisms, or having the form of an aphorism.
Aph7oOris6mer (?)(?) n. A dealer in aphorisms. [Used in
derogation or contempt.]
Aph6oOrist, n. A writer or utterer of aphorisms.
Aph7oOris6tic (?)(?), Aph7oOris6ticOal (?), } a. [Gr. ?.] In
the form of, or of the nature of, an aphorism; in the form
of short, unconnected sentences; as, an aphoristic style.
The method of the book is aphoristic.
De Quincey.
Aph7oOris6ticOalOly, adv. In the form or manner of
aphorisms; pithily.
Aph6oOrize (?), v. i. To make aphorisms.
Aph6rite (?), n. (Min.) See under Calcite.
Aph7roOdis6iOac (?), Aph7roOdiOsi6aOcal (?), } a. [Gr. ?
pertaining to sensual love, fr. ?. See Aphrodite.] Exciting
venereal desire; provocative to venery.
Aph7roOdis6iOac, n. That which (as a drug, or some kinds of
food) excites to venery.
Aph7roOdis6iOan (?), a. [Gr. ?.] Pertaining to Aphrodite or
Venus. =Aphrodisian dames8 [that is, courtesans].
C. Reade.
X Aph7roOdi6te (?), n. [Gr. ?.] 1. (Classic Myth.) The Greek
goddess of love, corresponding to the Venus of the Romans.
2. (Zol.) A large marine annelid, covered with long,
lustrous, golden, hairlike set; the sea mouse.
3. (Zol.) A beautiful butterfly (Argunnis Aphrodite) of the
United States.
Aph7roOdit6ic (?), a. Venereal. [R.]
X Aph6tha (?), n. [Sing. of Aphth.] (Med.) (a) One of the
whitish specks called aphth. (b) The disease, also called
X Aph6th (?), n. pl. [L., fr. Gr. ? (mostly in pl. ?,


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